Saturday 5 April 2008

Feel good thought of the Day

As I sit casually sewing a sleeve onto my costume, which by the way is not turning out as mangled as I thought it would, a thought occurs to me.
I'm not brilliant at anything. But that isn't as bad a thing as I first thought. I have never really excelled at anything, not in science, although I am very good at science, not in the arts, but i'm quite capable in many of them, not in anything in general really. But I am quite good at many things. I may not be able to quote great philosophers at will, but i undestand most concepts that apply to Real life. And I may not be able to create a nuclear accelerator out of a cereal box, but i know enough about chemistry, microbiology, biology, ecology, DNA, and, yes, even physics, to be able to understand the basic workings of the world we live in and fully understand issues of life, health and death. I may not be able to operate on a brain, but i can tell you basically whyit malfunctions, even if I can't name every region.

I may not be a genius in any particular area, but i'm fairly good at a wide variety of things. Making me, well rounded. Now, well-rounded isn't going to make me famous or rich, but to be honest, I've spent most of my life wishing to avoid those two situations, so being round suits me quite well.

The concept is one that my counsellor pointed out to me, while I was having my crazy vacination, and it has only just settled in my mind so that I fully understand what she was saying. I said that I feel like an idiot most of the time around people who have been reading War and Peace since they were 7, reminding me that I was unable to read anything, at all, at that age. But as I was saying why I feel dumb most of the time because of this, I also started to think, with her nudging me, that yes these people can speak for hours on end about the importance of poetic fallacy in literature, or the concepts laid down by Plato and Voltaire, but they couldn't tell you the difference between a virus, a fungus and a bacteria, or why period 1 metals become more reactive as you go down the period, or what the Heisenburg uncertainty principle is. So I am happy with my limited knowledge on a variety of areas, it may not be on every area of knowledge in existence, but to be honest... I don't give a toss what Plato or Voltaire said, I care about what the news said yesterday about the elections in Zimbabwa. And why would I wan to know everything about everything right now, I'm 20 years old. If I know everything already what would be the point of carrying on if there is nothing more to learn or discover. I may read The Prince, in about 20 years time when I can be bothered. But for now, I'll stick to Love in the Time of Cholera and a good ghost story.

Revel in variety and gaps in knowledge. It isn't mediocrity, its being above average and slightly more intergrated into the real world.

All my Love

1 comment:

escapeunlikely said...

ha. lol my response to ur letter is fairly similar to ur post! its not boring or normal or untalented. its an amazing way to be, a good base and means u have a more realistic view of the world. those who excel at one thing to the detriment of others tend to b removed from the real world.

[ooo just watching north and south...melts....]

much love, escapexxxx