Saturday 8 March 2008

Escape and Jiffy

"It's a David Bowie coffee morning"
"Well, I'm paying for it"
Jiffy turns to me "I'm talking about her not me"
"Well, all know you have repressed desires for David Bowie J"

My day dreams are well and truely snapped out of at this point. Its a Saturday afternoon and we're weaving through the masses of bloody tourists who think its perfectly exceptable to stop in the middle of the street and stare at the pretty buildings. Yes my darlings, the buildings are pretty, but can't you just do what I do, and carry on walking while looking up in awe at them...then walk into a angry geriatric with a walking stick, or a lamppost. Eitherway, have some respect for the girl whose charging mindlessly down the street in a daze, and finds it as easy to steer herself out of the way of obstacles as a 3 year steering a shopping trolley.

IT'S RAINING! I love the rain! It's belting it down, and I'm curled up on Escape's sofa watching House. Lovely. Anyway, this in no way relates to the David Bowie coffee morning. Yes...

I was just planning on spending the entire day curled up in my bed, fully clothed (if I'm going to spend the day being a lazy sod, I'm going to be clean and not stinky), not reading about the 1798 United Irishman rebellion, when I got the invitation I can never refuse. "Lunch?" Although a day without any contact with human beings was appealing when I first woke up to the sound of the bells of the monastry right outside my window, but by 3 in the afternoon (typical student lunchtime, atypical Blue lunch time, but that isn't the point) my objectives for the day had changed. My housemate's new boyfriend, the Boy (oh, come on! I had to work that nickname in somewhere and my love life is about as active as a geranium), came round to make pasta, and I didn't feel comfortable disturbing their flowering relationship, (plus, although I may seem all outgoing and bubbly, I'm always going to be this shy little girl), so I avoided going downstairs, except for a drink of water (I'm shy, not chronically stupid... well...). So having no other option but to stay in room all day of course made me want to leave it, and having noone to speak to made me want to speak to someone. So, in a very long winded way we get to, I decided coffee in town with Escape and Jiffy would be a good idea.

Bad idea, the coffee bit at least. Town on a weekend is just evil, but we've already experienced this rant, and let's not go back to the same point in one post. How can every bleeding cafe and pub in York be full?! There are nearly 400 pubs in the city, and probably as many cafes, thats a heck of a lot of tourist... probably why you can't move for cameras on a Saturday, or school holidays (don't start woman!).Yet still, me and mine can carry a conversation, while threading our way through people traffic, without missing a beat. And our conversations are not exactly public material, we're talking full on debauchery. Little kids and their innocent ears be damned, if they go to any of the schools we went to they would have heard it all, and worse, anyway.

But this conversation was fairly PG, at least I thought it was. It started out innocently enough, with Jiffy saying he wanted to mug the Costa coffee van that was parked up in the middle of the market place, and I drifted off in the a reverie of "these people are amazing, I love them so much" and just allowing myself be engulfed in this general feeling of contentment (which doesn't happen that often so I was going to milk it for as long as possible) when "It's a David Bowie coffee morning" and the above conversation knocked me clean out of my airy fairyness. I think I was supposed to respond when Jiffy said it was for Escape not him, but its difficult to know what to say to the suggestion of a themed coffee morning, because I know full well, without the rest of the conversation, that the theme wouldn't be David Bowie, but his trousers...............
Blue's not in right now, she'll get back to you in a moment.

OK, back. What was I saying? Yes, being assulted with the idea of coffee mornings. I have no idea how Escape decided she was going to hold a David Bowie coffee morning, I really should listen to conversations between those 2 fully, and not drift off into a day dream. nah, I should combine the 2 and let their conversations fuel my day dreams. Except, day dreaming and listening to conversations is all well and good, but trying to do that AND walk leads to the aforemented collisions with pensioners and large solid objects. Then again, life's no fun without a little concussion, and the occasional wrestling match with members of the public.

much love

1 comment:

escapeunlikely said...

haha. we do have the best conversations!

it all started with the ann summer's picture or a women on a circular swing and moved onto david bowie's crotch and how we'd certainly hold coffee mornings with a dress code of just lingerie if he was coming. At least i was,
Jiffy was just mocking me and becoming bemused by the woman on the swing. Can't appreciate the finer things in life that boy... any self respecting person wldnt say no to a sexy lady clad in gorgeous lingerie on a swing!

Ooh, lovely image....god i need to buy some more lingerie. damn being a broke student....who is obsessive..oh well.

much love darling, escape xxxx