Tuesday 18 March 2008



Just thought I would have a minor rant now, to avoid doing it constantly whem I next see you.
But first, GOING TO VENICE TOMORROW!!!!! How much does that rock?!

Ok, here it is. Why do I let myself get treated like a 4 year old? Why am I putting myself through another year in this place, when I know I'm going to end up hating myself even more than I already do? GAR! I'll bleeding well walk to Nottingham every day, rather than be given bus money or have to stay here for the majority of the time. Dinner money and bus money, as if I'm not perfectly capable of finding a job, or making myself lunch. And if my mother thinks me living at home is going to mean I spend every waking hour when she's not at work with her, she's got another think coming. I'd rather swallow razor blades. Which doesn't necessarily sound like a bad idea right now. I feel like I'm going to end up like the 40 Year Old Virgin at this rate. Why can't I just muster the courage to get out there, move to a different city and live. I need to be braver, moving to Uni wasn't a risk, it was still being mollycoddled. There was somewhere to live and something to do when I got there. I need to grow a spine and get out there..after my masters, or there won't be much hope of having something to do when I get there.

London might not be the best idea for a first move. How about Edinburgh, or Portsmouth. Or maybe Germany. I can brush up my German to working standard surely, I didn't do too badly in LFA. Or Austria. Hmm... I have a year to think.

Actually, I don't think I have much else to say. Except, I have been practising my guitar, a lot, in the past couple of days. Still sketchy but not too bad. Oh and USA has had the thumbs up, I have savings in the bank to cover quite a bit. Apperently, our 3 week jaunt cost about 2 and a half grand, altogether, including car hire, hotels and flights. Not 2.5 each, but 2.5 for all 4 of us. Cool?

Sorry this is all of a babbly mess, that makes little sense. That's how it popped out of my head. Will tidy it up later, my head and my posts.

All my love

1 comment:

escapeunlikely said...

ooh very nice. thats an awesome price, we shld def b able to find decent enuff prices.

cant say i have the money yet but i do have a summer to work as much as physically possible and hopefully a part time job wen i get back next term

moving out is good!! the swallowing razor blades not so. please dont as i quite happen to loves you babes. feel free to escape to whichever city i'm in as and whenever you need to, even if it is just call me wen u get to the train station and i'll pick you up.

much love, escapexxxx